
JOURNALS (in alphabetical order)

  1. ACM

    1. Transactions on Networking

    2. Transactions on Sensor Networks

  2. Elsevier

    1. Ad Hoc Networks

    2. Applied Computer and Informatics

    3. Computer Communications

    4. Expert Systems with Applications

    5. Future Generation Computer Systems

    6. International Journal of Electronics and Communications

    7. Journal of Network and Computer Applications

    8. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

    9. Physical Communications

    10. Vehicular Communications

  3. Hindawi

    1. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

    2. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

    3. Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

    4. Scientific Programming

    5. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing

  4. IEEE

    1. Access

    2. Communications Letters

    3. Communications Magazine

    4. Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

    5. Sensors Journal

    6. Systems Journal

    7. Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems

    8. Transactions on Circuits and Systems - Part I

    9. Transactions on Communications

    10. Transactions on Industrial Electronics

    11. Transactions on Industrial Informatics

    12. Transactions on Information Theory

    13. Transactions on Mobile Computing

    14. Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

    15. Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks

    16. Transactions on Signal Processing

    17. Transactions on Vehicular Technologies

    18. Transactions on Wireless Communications

    19. Wireless Communications Letters

    20. Wireless Communications Magazine

  5. IET

    1. Communications

    2. Electronics Letters

    3. Intelligent Transportation Systems

    4. Wireless Sensor Systems

  6. MDPI

    1. Algorithms

    2. Applied Sciences

    3. Electronics

    4. Entropy

    5. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks

    6. Sensors

    7. Symmetry

    8. Technologies

  7. Springer

    1. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

    2. Mobile Networks and Applications

    3. Soft Computing

    4. Wireless Networks

  8. Wiley

    1. International Journal of Communication Systems

    2. Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies

  9. Other publishers

    1. ETRI Journal

    2. Inderscience International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing

    3. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

    4. Old City Publishing Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks

    5. PLOS ONE

    6. SAGE International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

CONFERENCES (in alphabetical order)

  1. IEEE: AICCSA (2008), CCNC (2015), CWIT (2009), DCOSS (2011), EUSIPCO (2009), GLOBECOM (2007-2018), GPECOM (2020), ICC (2008-2018), ISGT (2014), ISIEA (2012-2013), ISIT (2010), ISPLC (2016), ISSSTA (2008), ISWCS (2018), ISWPC (2010), ITW (2015), PIMRC (2008-2009, 2013-2014, 2019), SECON (2007), SPICES (2015), VTC-Spring (2009), WCNC (2007-2016), WCSP (2012), WiMOB (2016,2020), WPMC (2007,2016)

  2. Other: ACC (2011), ACN (2010), EWSN (2008), ICEECC (2016), ICRAECT (2017), ICSOFT (2009), IWCMC (2014), MESH (2011), WOC (2008,2013)